
Welcome to the world of 3-D

A website that allows people
to get a 3D AR experience
of the hospitals

Hello There

Your Virtual Clinic

Our website links users to everything they need to take care of themselves and their families. Users can view the condition of hospital beds, equipments used and other medical and surgical instruments. They can schedule medical appointments, receive medications via chatbot feature, a separate dashboard for a specific user after signup where their details and appointments are visible. A separate section where the users can contact anytime and send their message.

What We Do

Users can Visualize the inside of hospitals without having to go there

Our Idea

With the help of AR, patients can have a closer look at the hospital beds and equipments as well as the hospital environment. It will not only help the patients have a better view of the hospitals but also give them a sense of assurity.

What is AR?

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that combines real-world and virtual elements. For example, at a trade show, a person might point their smartphone at a display to activate an AR experience that allows them to see a computer-generated version of a product. Augmented reality isn't just for video games. In healthcare, technology is making enormous waves.

The Potential

AR has a lot of potential in healthcare, but how might people use it specifically? Surgical planning may become simpler. Even the most experienced surgeons face surprises when operating on patients, but these high-tech solutions may reduce the frequency of such occurrences.

Augmented Practice

What happens when medical students make mistakes in a real-life procedure? You’re right! It would be disastrous. However, learning in the dissection lab and real-life methods is essential. Now, that’s where AR can be revolutionary to the field of medicine and education.

AR in Surgery

Surgeries used to have a high mortality rate. Now, with AR, procedures can be much safer than before. AR can assist doctors and specialists, providing them all the necessary information when trying to save patients’ lives. Surgeons can use AR to study their patients’ anatomy. They can enter their MRI data, and CT scans into an AR headset. Then, overlay specific patient anatomy on top of their body before going into surgery.

Accurate diagnosis

Patients quite often struggle with describing their symptoms. Such situations could lead to an erroneous diagnosis. Now, with AR, patients will be able to express their symptoms better. The process will make it easier for doctors to determine their patients’ symptoms and accurately diagnose them.

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